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Membership BenefitsJoin or Renew by clicking hereWHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF BECOMING A MEMBER?
Networking INAFSM offers a great opportunity for you to meet and interact with Indiana’s floodplain and stormwater managers, elected officials, agency representatives, engineers, planners, and designers along with other industry professionals. Stay Informed The Association publishes a quarterly newsletter to inform its membership on issues of general interest. Topics include legislation affecting floodplain and stormwater management, local activities, hazard mitigation, new state and federal programs, publications, and upcoming conferences. Professional Development Each year, the Association sponsors a 3-day conference, providing members with training opportunities in the field of floodplain and stormwater management. Depending on the attendees' certifications, some have been able to meet as many as 15 credit hour requirements by attending conference. Attendees can choose from four different educational tracks which offer 43 sessions (combined) at our annual conference. Experts in the field are invited to speak on a variety of issues including floodplain management, flood hazard mitigation, hydrologic and hydraulic studies, map revisions, map amendments, state permits, stream preservation, stormwater detention and retention, wetlands, and erosion control. INAFSM also sponsors "Twilight Seminars" throughout the year. These casual late afternoon/early evening programs provide members an opportunity to discuss issues in more detail. Twilight topics are typically an expansion of the Annual Conference topics. Speaking With One Voice INAFSM members gain the ability to exchange ideas, discuss, and communicate a uniform position on current concerns, local programs, and other issues impacting floodplain and stormwater management. INAFSM unified positions are formed through formal and informal discussions held during floodplain, stormwater, and legislative committee meetings as well as during the INAFSM annual meeting. Gain a National Perspective INAFSM is a state chapter in the national Association of State Floodplain Managers (ASFPM). ASFPM works to ensure that federal programs and legislation meet the needs of its chapter members. INAFSM is a founding, active, charter member of the National Municipal Stormwater Alliance (NMSA). NMSA is a 501(c)(3) with state and regional members made up of Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permittees. NMSA is devoted to supporting MS4 communities, helping them tackle stormwater challenges so that together we can achieve our vision of providing clean water for the nation. Disclaimer: Memberships are with individuals and not organizations and are, therefore, not transferable from one individual to another individual. The People of INAFSM - Founding Member Rodney Renkenberger from INAFSM on Vimeo. |